The Greek philosopher Aristotle first articulated the foundation principle of Western philosophy in about 350 B.C. It became known as the Aristotelian Principle of Causality. Today, we call it the law of Cause and Effect. This law says that for every effect in your life, there are specific causes. It says that everything happens for a reason. Success is not an accident. Failure is not an accident, either.
What happens to you is not determined by luck or coincidence. It is the result of unchanging law.
Today, there are more than five million millionaires, an increase of 277 percent in 22 years. And most of them are self-made. These are men and women who started with little or nothing, often broke or deeply in debt, and who gradually accumulated enough money to become financially independent.
Self-made millionaires come from every walk of life, with every level of education and skull, with every difficulty, obstacle, handicap, and challenge to overcome that you could ever dream of. Some are young and some are old. Some have excellent educations from the finest universities, and some are high school dropouts. Some have superb physical health and others are in wheelchairs, hard of hearing, blind, or have other physical limitations.
The most important thing to remember is that no matter what difficulties you have, no matter what problems you feel are holding you back, someone else, and probably thousands of other people, have had greater obstacles to overcome than you could possibly dream of, and they have gone to become successful nonetheless. And what others have done, you can do as well.
Dr. Thomas Stanley of University of Georgia spent more than 30 years studying self-made millionaires. He interviewed thousands of them and compiled his findings into a variety of books, research studies, and reports, including two best-selling books, The Millionaire Next Door and The Millionaire Mind. His research shows that every single kind of person, form every walk of life, has been able to start from nothing and pass the magic million-dollar mark by doing certain things in certain ways, over and over again.