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Discovering Potentials

Sunday, August 21, 2016


One of the habits of success is that of early rising. Successful people get up a little bit earlier, read and prepare, plan and organize their days on paper in advance, and get going before the average person has even started. Thomas Jefferson said, "The sun has never caught me in my bed."

Successful people make a habit of getting up early, usually by 6:00 or 6:30 in the morning, sometimes earlier, and then getting going immediately. This gives them a great jump on the day.


Get into work before anyone else gets there, and when you do arrive, begin working immediately. Don't waste time reading the newspaper, drinking coffee, or socializing with co-workers. Develop a reputation for being the kind of person who is always working, and always working on high-priority tasks.

Work all the time you work. Discipline yourself to keep yourself focused on the most valuable use of your time. Don't allow other people to put you off your game. When you have coffee breaks or launches, have then when they best suit you, not when they best suit the clock.