Develop the habit of moving fast. Successful people in every field have a sense of urgency. Only a small percentage of the population moves quickly when opportunity or responsibility presents itself. You must be a member of this small percentage.
When I was younger, I used to think that when my opportunities come along I would take advantage of it at that time. I soon learned that your opportunity never does come along—Brian Tracy
Russell Conwell made this point in his famous story, Acres of Diamonds (Berkley, 1986). In summary, it says that in most cases your greatest opportunities lie under you own feet. They are tight where you are. They lie within your current talents, skills, ability, and experience. They lie within your own business or industry. They lie within your own background or career. You acres of diamonds are very close at hand, and that is where you should begin your search.
Theodore Roosevelt once said, "Do what you can, with what you have, right where you are." This is the key to success. "Do what you can, with what you have, right where you are."
Focus on the present moment and on your current situation. Don't wait for things to be "just right." It is you who will make things just right. By throwing your whole heart into what you are doing every minute, you will open up doors of opportunities that are not now visible to you.
Look around you at this very moment and ask yourself, "What could I do to add value to the most important people in my work life?" What could you do to make things faster, easier, or better for the people who are depending on you? Be proactive rather than reactive. Be the kind of person who reaches out and grabs opportunities, and if you don't have any opportunities, create them personally through your own efforts.