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Discovering Potentials

Thursday, July 14, 2016


Noble Deeds double up as Friends and Fame in life!
A person was accidentally framed for a crime that he did not commit. He was issued a warrant.
He had three friends and he asked one of them to testify to his innocence as a witness. The friend said. “I cannot move out of this house. But can help you only from here.” He, therefore, had to approach others. The second friend said, “I can come up to the doorway of the court but will not enter the witness box.”
The third friend said. “I will speak for you, wherever you want me to come.” This is the story of our life. The first is PROPERTY which can hear witness only within the house. The second is RELATIVES who would come till the cemetery. The third friend is one’s own virtues and noble deeds which continue to shine even after death and stand witness for a long time to come.
The good thoughts and actions of life
will serve as good friends who will
bring peace and progress.

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