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Discovering Potentials

Saturday, July 30, 2016


Enthusiasm is contagious. An enthusiastic person changes the atmosphere of the place where he is present. His zeal points out the new possibilities of success in life to others. He does not brood over his past mistakes, insults and disappointments. He knows this cripples enthusiasm.

He is also fully aware that such irritants in life are inevitable. So he takes it easy. If you keep company with such a person, you will soon realize the difference. You will feel that you have come out of a dark, dingy room into an open, sunny place.

Enthusiasm without a goal to achieve is useless. Unharnessed enthusiasm turns into day-dreaming. Contemplation divorced from action bears no fruit. It only fosters the spirit of indolence. So always set some goal before you. Work earnestly to achieve it.

Remember, enthusiastic people are not magicians. They cannot accomplilsh all the tasks. In fact, they are the people who make a success of eight things out of ten. How does enthusiasm help them? Unenthusiastic people embark upon a plan with fond hopes of success. When they are confronted with difficulties, they abandon it in a huff. Thus, they never wear the crown of success. But enthusiastic people go through the hazards cheerfully and do not give up their plans until they reach completion.

Develop faith in yourself, and enthusiasm will bubble up in you. God has created man in his own image. Why not rely on the tremendous powers of the divinity in you?
If you distrust your ability, which is a divine gift, you distrust God. Faith moves mountains. Let it swing your mind and body into action. The rewards will surprise you.

Good Morning and have a nice day!

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