Sunday, July 31, 2016
At twelve, Marconi became interested in physics, chemistry and electrical research. At fifteen, as a student of the University of Bologna, he first read of the wireless waves which could span the earth, and he felt the urge to explore their use as a means of rapid communication.
At twenty-one, Marconi started on his life’s project, whose accomplishment involved a number of difficulties. But undaunted, he pursued his goal. His new equipment complete, twenty-two-year-old Marconi received quick recognition by big business companies and the Government of Britain.
Thomas Edison, the great inventor, equally owed his achievements to the diligence he displayed in his youth. Edison had developed a very inquisitive mind, and was always asking, “Why am I here?” This showed his burning desire to unravel the secrets of nature for the benefit of his fellow-beings.
At the age of six, he set fire to his father’s barn just to see what would happen. The barn burnt to the ground and Thomas also got burnt with it. But this did not dampen his inquisitive spirit. In fact, he was so eager to learn from every source that he approached even strangers without any hesitation answers to his questions.
At the age of ten, when most boys read adventure stories or comics, he read serious books on chemistry. At 15, he became editor and publisher of the Weekly Herald. In short, he fully realised the significance of creative living at an early age.
He had cultivated such a zest for living that he considered waste of even a single minute as criminal. This is why he was able to make innumerable inventions whose significance we cannot forget in our daily life even for a while.
As long as we listen to recorded music, get pleasure in a cinema house, travel in comfort in an electric train or read with the aid of an electric lamp, we are using a gift given to us by Edison.
Continues tomorrow...
Have a nice day 👋
Lives of all these great men lead us to the conclusion that success does not come to those who flirt with their youth and flout the spirit of disciplined work. Nor does it come by seeking charity from fate. Success woos a person if he learns to keep before him the following motto right from the early age: “Fruits of labour are sweeter than gifts of fortune.”
Today, we find a large number of young people frittering away their precious energy and time in useless pursuits like drinking, smoking and addiction to narcotics. Young people indulge in such activities in the hope of deriving maximum enjoyment. But in the long run, they become disillusioned and frustrated.
True, youth is a time of enjoyment, because at this stage one has few worries. But youth is also the time of creative activity on which the excellent edifice of adulthood is built. Happy and prosperous adulthood is not possible if you flirt with your youth.
History is replete with examples of people who, by devoting themselves to creative activity in their young days not only covered themselves with glory but also bestowed numerous blessings on mankind.
SOS … SOS … This distress signal flashed across the Atlantic as Jack Phillips, wireless operator of the Titanic, told the world that the impossible had happened to the giant, unsinkable. White star ocean-liner was sinking on her maiden voyage. It had struck against a mountainous iceberg hidden by the Atlantic fog.
April 15, 1912 found 1500 people struggling for life in the ice-waters. Only 706 lived to tell of the horrible disaster. They owed their lives to one man, and when their rescue-ship reached New York, he was there to meet them. They shouted their thanks, “We owe our lives to you Marconi."
Wirelesss had won a great victory, and Marconi’s struggle for recognition was over. Now, every time the radio delights our homes with heart-soothing music, we implicitly pay tributes to Marconi’s greatness, who, by scorning delights and living laborious days in his youth, conferred this gift upon us.
More to follow soon...
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Fate makes twins and ambition separates them, it's normal to aspire differently and abnormal if we fail to put into consideration our fate...
Enthusiasm is contagious. An enthusiastic person changes the atmosphere of the place where he is present. His zeal points out the new possibilities of success in life to others. He does not brood over his past mistakes, insults and disappointments. He knows this cripples enthusiasm.
He is also fully aware that such irritants in life are inevitable. So he takes it easy. If you keep company with such a person, you will soon realize the difference. You will feel that you have come out of a dark, dingy room into an open, sunny place.
Enthusiasm without a goal to achieve is useless. Unharnessed enthusiasm turns into day-dreaming. Contemplation divorced from action bears no fruit. It only fosters the spirit of indolence. So always set some goal before you. Work earnestly to achieve it.
Remember, enthusiastic people are not magicians. They cannot accomplilsh all the tasks. In fact, they are the people who make a success of eight things out of ten. How does enthusiasm help them? Unenthusiastic people embark upon a plan with fond hopes of success. When they are confronted with difficulties, they abandon it in a huff. Thus, they never wear the crown of success. But enthusiastic people go through the hazards cheerfully and do not give up their plans until they reach completion.
Develop faith in yourself, and enthusiasm will bubble up in you. God has created man in his own image. Why not rely on the tremendous powers of the divinity in you?
If you distrust your ability, which is a divine gift, you distrust God. Faith moves mountains. Let it swing your mind and body into action. The rewards will surprise you.
Good Morning and have a nice day!
Friday, July 29, 2016
Resolve in advance that you will never give quit once you have started towards your goal. No matter how many setbacks or obstacles you experience, make the decision that you will keep on picking yourself up and persisting until you eventually succeed.
By deciding in advance that you will persist, no matter what the difficulty, you give yourself a psychological edge. When the difficulties do arise, you will be mentally prepared to plow through them rather than quitting. Your willingness and ability to persist are what will eventually guarantee your success.
One of my favorite quotations is from the mountain climber Charles Murray.
Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is an elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans; that the moment that one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too.
All sorts of things occur to help one that what would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforseen incidences and meetings and material assistance that no man could have dreamed would have come his way.
He finishes off his statement with these words from Goethe:
Are you in earnest? Seek this very little minute,
Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.
Only engage and the mind grows heated.
Begin and then the task will be completed.
Enthusiasm is a state of mind that determines our attitude towards life. It breeds optimism and an enthusiastic approach to life, provides a man with powerful driving-force .
You are not doomed to be a failure. Why should you, after all? If you wish to transform your dreams into reality, if you want to outshine others in your professional career, learn the secret of enthusiasm. The moment you have discovered this secret, success cannot elude you.
Enthusiasm is a state of mind that determines our attitude towards life. It makes the difference between living and just existing. An enthusiastic approach to life provides a man with a powerful driving-force. Difficulties and obstacles disappear from the path of an enthusiastic person just as ghosts flee before an enchanter.
Enthusiasm breeds optimism. An optimist always says to himself, “I can do it.” But a pessimist says to himself, “I can’t do it.” Obviously, the former accomplishes any task he takes up in hand. The latter fails. One lives happily; the other is miserable.
Some persons perform their duties perfunctorily. They begin to suffer from feelings of exhaustion before they have finished half of the day’s work.
Bimla is young and healthy. She has a maid-servant for domestic chores. The only task left for her is cooking meals for her small family comprising of her husband, two children and herself. But she takes even this as a burden.
Every day, after the preparation of lunch and dinner, she complains of exhaustion and stretches herself on the sofa, almost half dead. Her talk with her neighbours usually turns into a discourse on the difficulties of cooking.
Kamlesh, Bimla’s neighbour, has just the opposite attitude towards work. For her, work is joy. She teaches in a school. She herself cooks for the family. She stitches garments for her children. Besides, she is preparing herself for the M.A. examination.
Inspite of all this, she never complains of weariness. The secret of her vitality is that she has learnt to mix enthusiasm with work.
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Do something everyday that moves you towards your most important goal. This is a vital success principle that generates energy and enthusiasm. For you to maintain your courage, confidence, and self-motivation, you must be doing something every single day that gives you a feeling of forward motion and progress. Your job is to build yourself up to the point where you genuinely feel unstoppable, and the only way that you can do this is by refusing to stop, by doing something daily.
Take action of some kind in the direction of your goal. Once you have set a goal, written it down, determined the price that you are going to have to pay, and made a plan, you must take some action immediately. Even if you only make one phone call or collect one piece of information, be sure to do something.
There is something powerful in your willingness to take a specific action, in faith, in the direction of your goal, with no guarantee of success. Your action itself seems to trigger all kinds of other powers and forces in the universe. You activate the Law of Attraction to help you. When you take action, you demonstrate to yourself, and to others for that natter, that you are really serious about your goal.
Until you have taken a specific, irrevocable action of some kind, you have merely engaged in an enjoyable exercise, like daydreaming. You have put your key into the ignition but you haven't turned it in.
Most people pave their way to success through hard work. Success achieved in this way is a rest one, and fills you with genuine pride. Those who hold key positions undeservedly are like men with crutches who can only limp along but cannot run.
A good mark of a healthy personality is sobriety in dress, manners and speech. To make a good impression on others, it is not necessary that you should be very smartly dressed. No one likes a clown except for temporary amusement. Neat and sober dress is the universal hall-mark of a gentleman.
This principle applies to talk as well. Some people indulge in coarse and foul talk in order to make themselves the focus of other’s attention. But actually, this is wrong. Coarse and foul talk can’t give real pleasure. It sickens after a while. So you should cultivate the habit of clean, straight, strong talk. Any man, anywhere, anytime, will stop and listen to such talk.
The grooming of your personality is not complete yet. Your dress, manners and speech create only a first good impression. The first impression is not always the last impression, as some think. This is only a begginning. Promises, they say, win friends, but it is performance that keeps them. And performance needs sincerity.
If you do not redeem your promises and help people, they will very soon get disenchanted with you. Thus a first impression is not all. It is the real man that counts, the man inside the clothes, the man behind the smile.
To be successful, a person must know what makes people tick and know how to make them tick in the desired manner. A well-groomed personality does it all. You also know now that personality is not wholly a divine gift. Your personality is largely what you make it.
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Make a plan, in writing. Remember, the ability to develop written goals and create plans for their achievement is the master skill of success. A plan begins with your making a list of all the things that you can think of that you are going to have to do to achieve your goal. Once you have made your list, you can add new items as they occur to you.
You then organize your list in terms of priority and sequence. What are the most important things on the list that you will have to do before you do something else? Which items on your list are dependent on your completing other items first?
A plan of action gives you a track to run on. It increases your level of belief and intensifies your desire for the goal. You gradually become convinced that your goal is actually possible and achievable for you. You begin to see possibilities that you may not even have been aware of in the absence of a written plan.
What one great goal would you set for yourself if you were absolutely guaranteed success?
Determine the price you are going to have to pay to achieve your goal. Make a list of everything that you are going to have to do if you want to make your goal a reality.
Are you going to have to start each day's work s little earlier, work little harder, and stay a little harder? Write it down. Are you going to have to upgrade your knowledge and skills, and take additional courses? Again, write it down. Are you going to have to change jobs, change industries, or change careers in order to achieve everything that is possible for you? Write it down.
The Law of Cause and Effect is the iron law of the universe. For everything that you want, there is a price that must be paid. This price must be paid in full and in advance. The Law of Sowing and Reaping is not the Law of Reaping and Sowing. You have to put in before you get out. You have to give before you receive. You have to pay the price before you enjoy the reward.
Your willingness to do whatever you need to do, pay whatever price is required, go whatever distance is necessary, and make whatever sacrifice is demanded is the measure of how badly you really want your goal.
Many people sabotage their own success by deciding that they want a particular goal, and although they are willing to pay a high price for it, they are not quite willing to pay the full price that the goal demands. This is like wanting to win in a poker game but not willing to match the final bet made by the other player. You end up losing the whole hand, just as by failing to make a total commitment people end up losing the entire goal.
If you want to fly get a wing, If you want to run use your leg. To get to the TOP, you need almost everything but the right things are crucial...
You need to acquire professional competence and efficiency as it sets you apart from the crowd. But here, one pitfall should be avoided. It is the tendency to compare your achievements unfavourably with those of others. Such, comparison causes jealousy and frustration.
Remember, the person who is ahead of you today has behind him experience of several years. It is quite possible that your performance may be much better when you will have put in the same number of years in your job. Even otherwise, unfavourable comparison is not desirable.
Once, Rabindranath Tagore was asked if he considered Shakespeare a greater playwright than Kalidas. He said, “Art hates comparisons”. In fact, no two persons are alike. I am I and you are you. Thus, our ways of working and achievements are bound to differ.
The important thing is that instead of comparing yourself with others, you should preserve and nourish the unique identity of your personality. The men who want to move the world and cover themselves with the halo of glory make conscious efforts to build their distinct personalities. Progress of modern civilization bears an eloquent testimony to this fact.
The way you should build your professional competence is this: Become your own rival. See that your performance today is better than what it was yesterday. If you improve yourself steadily day after day, after some time you will realize that your competence has surpassed your dream even. You know that no drop is insignificant in filling a pitcher.
Professional competence is no doubt very important. But the craze for professional competence has positive dangers too. Van Gogh’s masterpieces are known and imitated throughout the world. Yet he committed suicide at the age of thirty-seven.
Frederic Chopin and Edgar Allan Poe were geniuses, had incredible professional ability, yet each died a miserably unhappy man. Why? They had neglected other vital traits of their personalities. So beware lest the competence mania should cause a similar split in your personality.
It is indisputable that professional competance plays a vital role in paving one’s way to success. But it does not bring the desired success unless it is coupled with self-reliance.
Kuldip does not realize the importance of this vital truth. He blames circumstances and luck for his failure. To support his contention, he cites the case of Raman, who has been appointed a manager in a government undertaking because he had the recommendations of a minister. It is true that some persons are able to get profitable positions because of nepotism. But this does not prove the rule.
Have a nice day 👋👋👋
If you aspire to reach the peak in life and enjoy glory and esteem among your colleagues and fellows, you must first weave an excellent pattern of your personality. The way to do it is here.
No one can command respect from others unless he is successful in his work. To be successful is not an impossible thing. Anyone, regardless of his station in life, can become successful. The degree of success you enjoy will depend on how much effort you are willing to expend and how you approach the task.
Talent without the will to work is as useless as a boat without an oar. It is through work alone that we can demonstrate our intelligence and talent to others. Without such a demonstration, you cannot hope to reap any benefits. You may feel that you do not possess talent. Absurd, We all are endowed with a talent in varying degrees.
What you have to do is to perfect that talent through application. For this, you must develop grit and patience.
You and Your Fortune
Fortune is painted blind, with a muffer afore her eyes, to signify to you that Fortune is blind, and she is painted also with a wheel, to signify to you, which is the moral of it, that she is turning and inconstant, and mutability and variation; and her foot, look you, is fixed upon a spherical stone which rolls and rolls and rolls.
A great fortune is a great slavery.
Fortune is like glass—the brighter the glitter, the more easily broken.
—Publilius Syrus
Efficiency in work does not come overnight. The path is sometimes rugged. If you receive jerks and jolts, you should not feel disheartened. It is just a test of your man hood, which you surely have in abundance in yourself.
More to follow...
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
A good life isn't how much people you've got at high school, college, in your town, your country and all over the universe while Alive. A great life is how much people got you when your no more...
Evidently to achieve success and happiness one needs poise in all walks of life. But the higher you climb the ladder of success the higher degree of poise you need. If you hold a top position, there is every possibility that you will be under heavy fire.
Your opponents will employ all weapons to lash you with. They will exaggerate your minor faults. They will try to malign you even by attributing imaginary lapses to you. They will play up your alleged lack of devotion to duty. They may even go to the extent of branding you immoral. In such cricumstances if you keep your cool to take wind out of the sails of your adversaries, they can not deprive you of your success.
Bear in mind, however able a person may be, he cannot marshal his forces and do his best in an argument when he loses control of himself. In fact he is at the mercy of his opponents who can make him look ridiculous.
The late US President Cleveland did not let his opponents have a last laugh. During presidential campaign he was severely denounced, even ostracized by a certain section of the society. When he was elected everybody seemed to expect that he would be extremely disconcerted and unnerved during inaugural ceremonies at Washington as he had been under terrific fire for long. But he displayed amazing serenity.
J.J. Ingalls describes it thus: “There sat this man before me, wholly undisturbed by the multitudes, calmly waiting to perform his part in the great drama, just as an actor awaits his cue to appear on the stage.
“I looked for him to produce a manuscript but he did not; and as he progressed in clear and distinctive tones without hesitation, I was amazed. With sixty millions of people, yes with the entire civilized world looking on, this man had the courage to deliver an inaugural address, making him President of the United States as coolly and unconcernedly as if he were addressing a Board meeting.”
And here's an advice
Have a Great Day!
Monday, July 25, 2016
Write your goals down on paper. There is something quite incredible that happens between the brain and the hand. When you take a paper and pen and write down your goals, you activate the Laws of Expectation, Attraction, and Correspondence simultaneously. You intensify your belief and deepen your conviction that your goals are possible for you.
The very act of writing down your goals gives you a sense of control and personal power. Written goals increase your resolve and determination to do whatever is necessary to achieve them.
The speed at which you will begin to achieve your goals after you have written them down is nothing short of miraculous. The very act of writing out your goals increases the likelihood of your achieving them by as much as 10 times—1,000 percent!
There is a seven-step method for goal setting and achievement that you can use, over and over, in any situation, to accomplish anything you could ever want for yourself. These seven steps constitute a powerful, proven formula that you can use to change your life immediately.
A real goal is clear, specific, measurable, and time bounded. A non-goal, a wish or hope, is fuzzy and unclear. It is a fantasy that floats in the air. People with clear, specific goals, who know exactly what they want, are very different from people who are going through life hoping for the best. Your ability to decide exactly what it is you want in each area of your life is one of the most important responsibilities of adult life.
One of the major reasons that people fail in life is because they waste so much of their time doing things of low value or no value at all. And the reason they waste so much time is because they have no real idea of what they really want. Once you have clear goals, your ability to manage your time improved dramatically.
Here is a way to decide whether something is a good use of your time. Just ask, "Does this move me toward the achievement of one of my goals?" If the activity helps you to achieve a goal you have set for yourself, it is a good use of time. If it doesn't, it is poor use of time.
When you get into the habit of only doing those things that move you toward your goals, your life will take off. Your results will improve. You will soon find yourself busy every hour of every day doing things that are helping you in some way. You will have no time left to spend on activities that aren't helping you to achieve one of your goals.
When you set a clear goal for yourself, and you know exactly what you want, you will become increasingly impatient with activities that are not helping you in some way.
But as the old saying goes, "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
A farmer who reaps a bumper crop has to first brace up to face the hazards of the pests and drought. As a matter of fact, no one can hope to achieve significant success in any walk of life without taking risks. “A man cannot grasp a star if he does not reach for it,” says a writer. “Neither will he get food for his table, nor shelter for his family nor knowledge and skill in the exercise of his talents by merely visualizing them. The only man that life rains down on him is that which he has merited and produce through his physical and mental efforts.”
This is no copy-book maxim. However expert in the art of eating, everyone spills something or other. A wise man never cries over a slip. He knows that efficiency on which success depends is the outcome of commission of mistakes and their correction.
J.S. Mursel says: The number of times you try is not the important consideration. The important consideration is the intelligence with which you try and, above all, what you yourself discover from your tries.”
On the face of it, failure appears unpleasant to us. But, in reality, it is a blessing in disguise. Failures develop in us the valuable traits of character like fellow-feeling and courage. One who has suffered himself never mocks at others’ setbacks. He is fully aware that the road to success is rugged and the man who pursues that road will inevitably get jerks and jolts. Instead of scoffing at others’ failures, he shows sympathy and tenders unbiased advice.
Napoleon Hill says, “Failure is Nature’s great crucible in which she burns the dross from the human heart and so purifies the metal of the man that it can stand the test of hard usage.”
Sunday, July 24, 2016
The third group you must forgive is everyone else in your life who has ever hurt you in any way. Let them go. Forgive every boss, business partner, friend, crook, or betrayer who has ever caused you grief of any kind. Clean the slate. Wipe each of their names and images off by saying, "I forgive him/her for everything, and I wish him/her well." Repeat this statement each time you think of the person or situation until the negative feelings are gone.
The fourth and final person you have to forgive is yourself. You must absolutely forgive yourself for every silly, senseless, wicked, brainless, thoughtless, or cruel thing you have ever done or said. Stop carrying these past mistakes around with you. That was then and this is now.
Think of it this way: when you did those things in the past that you still feel badly about, you were not the person you are today. At that time, you were a different person, younger and less experienced. You were not your true self. You were an immature version of the person you have become with experience. Stop beating yourself up for something that occurred in the past that you cannot change.
In psychotherapy, when a person feels burdened with a deep sense of guilt or shame as the result of a childhood truama, the cathartic moment comes when he or she suddenly realizes, "It's not my fault." Sometimes you did things, or things were done to you, when you were too young or inexperienced to know what was going on or change the situation. It was not your fault. You did the best you could. You are okay. Forgive yourself and let yourself off the hook.
Just say, "I forgive myself for every mistake I ever made. I am a thoroughly good person and I am going to have a wonderful future." Whenever you think of that event or situation, just repeat, "I forgive myself completely." And then get on with your life. Focus on the future rather than the past. Look at where you are going rather than where you have been.
Finally, if you did something that hurt someone, and you still feel badly about it, you can go to that person, or write, and apologize. Tell the person you are sorry for what you did it said. Whatever his or her reaction, positive or negative, it doesn't matter. The very act of repentance, of expressing regret, will set you free...
As a contrast, Prakash reacted differently when he fell on bad days. He did not let failure have the last laugh. He had served with distinction as a lecturer in a non-Government college for eight years. Obviously, he thought his job was quite secure. But suddendly, the number of the students in his faculty dwindled. Finding the faculty unprofitable, the managing committee decided to abolish it, and he became jobless.
Unemployment did not hold out any terror for him. He had some landed property to fall upon. What pinched him most was the humiliation caused by his unjust dismissal. The caustic comments of some of his colleagues also added to his misery. Some said he was not competent to get a job elsewhere.
The unkind comments of others hurt Prakash’s sensitive mind. For a few days, he felt immensely miserable. Even dark thoughts about committing suicide began to torment his mind. But when he thought of the plight of his loving wife after his death, he desisted from the abominable act of killing himself.
With the passing of time, his dismissal began to lose its sting. His confidence in his ability revived. He started searching for a new job. After a few unsuccessful efforts in the beginning, he finally succeeded in getting a job. His new job was not as gainful as the previous one. But the love and respect of his new colleagues compensated the monetary loss. He became totally oblivious of the monetary loss. He did not allow the crisis to break him.
Those who strive to be great often becomes great and to be great you must welcome criticism as part of growth...
Saturday, July 23, 2016
There are four groups of people you need to forgive if you are serious about changing your thinking and changing your life.
The first is your parents, living or dead. You must absolutely forgive them for every mistake they ever made in bringing you up. At the very least, you should be grateful for them for giving you life. They got you here. If you are happy to be alive, you can forgive them for everything else. Never complain about them again.
In contrast, by not forgiving your parents, you remain forever a child. You block your own chance to grow up and become a fully functioning adult. You continue to see yourself as a victim. Even worse, you keep your negative feelings of inferiority and anger alive.
If your parents die without your having forgiven them, it can bother you for the rest of your life...
The second group you must forgive is the people from your close relationships that didn't work out. Marriage and other intimate relationships can be so intense, and so threatening to your feelings of self-esteem and self-worth, that you can be angry and unforgiving towards those people for years.
But you were atleast partially responsible. Have the personal strength and integrity to say, "I am responsible," and then forgive the other person and let him or her go. Say the words, "I forgive him/her for everything and I wish him/her well." Each time you repeat this, the negative emotion attached to the memory will diminish. Soon it will be gone forever...
More to follow...
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Most people are open to the idea of forgiveness. It is among the core beliefs of most religions, and is taught in psychology and metaphysics. You are probably comfortable with the idea of forgiving most of the people in your life who have hurt you in some way. But there is a great danger.
The danger is that your refusal to forgive just one major grievance can be enough to sabotage your entire life. Your insistence on holding onto just one person or situation by mot forgiving can put the brakes on all your forward progress. There are countless men and women who ruin their lives because of their anger and resentment toward a single person. They can't let go of it, so they never get free.
Don't let this happen to you. You must have the courage and character to forgive everyone, without exception. There should be no one in your life with whom you are still angry. Your mind should be calm and clear. You should be able to say, "I do not have a negative or unforgiving thought toward anyone in the world; I freely forgive them all."
Whenever you are criticised you will do well to follow the strategy which Lincoln adopted towards his critics. During the American Civil War, Lincoln was severely criticised. But he did not lose his nerve and start hurling counter jibes at his critics. Instead, he displayed tremendous tranquillity of mind. The only reply he gave to his critics was this: “If I were to try to read, much less to answer, all the attacks made on me, this shop might as well be closed for any other business. I do the very best I know … the very best I can, and I mean to keep on doing so until the end. If the end brings me out all right, then what is said against me won’t matter. If the end brings me out wrong, then ten angels swearing
I was right would make no difference.”
Lincoln, as we know, is hailed as a saviour of America. His critics had to reconcile themselves to his great achievement. They got convinced that their clamour could not obscure the worth of his greatness. You should not let your critics have the upper hand and block your way to progress. Sheila kept her critics at bay by turning a deaf ear to them. When she was preparing herself for the IAS examination, many persons of her locality started poking fun at her. Did she feel embarrassed? Not the least. In fact, she showed as if the critics did not seem to exist for her. Finally, she was selected as an IAS officer. Her distinctive achievement served as a rebuff to her critics. Some of them became her articulate admirers even.
Criticism is often a disguised compliment to one’s ability. Talented persons always do something out of the ordinary. Their activities sometimes rudely jolt the ignorance of other people or are an assault on the social evils. The conformists look upon their activities as a sacrilege. They show their resentment by releasing a barrage of criticism against them. Ishwar Chander Vidyasagar is now hailed as a great social reformer. But when he assailed the Hindu custom which prohibited widows to remarry, he was severely denounced. Gandhiji had to encounter tremendous hostility in his campaign against untouchability. Both these leaders displayed great courage in the face of monstrous opposition.
Monday, July 18, 2016
If you want to be successful, you have to gather the resources. No matter how cheap or expensive a product is, if you have not the resources, you just can't have it – Blogger
Let's get this clear, success is never cheap. They're treasures that are hidden to be valued and it takes only the determined, the man with enough resources (the right ones) to locate them.
Get this clear also, success is your birthright. You have to claim it. It'll be tough, you have claim it.
Don't let anyone, anybody tell you you don't deserve something you deserve.
People will talk you off, they will criticise you, they will even fight you if they had to. But we are human, so it's normal.
You know who the losers are?, they're those that believed what people thinks of them over what they think of themselves and you can't accomplish greatness in life if you don't belief you are great!
Gather those resources, it's YOU and no one else, it's YOU against the world.
Have a bright day and life!, Good Morning...
Sunday, July 17, 2016
As a result of previous destructive criticism, people accept another myth, or self-limiting belief. It is that they don't really believe that they deserve to be successful. This deep inner feeling of undeservingness is quite common among those of us who started off with very little in life, or who came from families that had little money when we were growing up. It can also be caused nu people who told us at a young age that to be poor is virtuous but to be rich is sinful.
If you have grown up feeling undeserving of good things, for any reason, and you do achieve success in your field, you may experience what is called the "imposter syndrome." You will feel that you are an imposter in your success, and that you are going to be found out.
No matter how successful you became as the result of your hard work, you will have a nagging fear that it will all be taken from you.
If you feel like an imposter, you will often feel guilty for achieving greater success than others. To escape these feelings of guilt, many people engage in self-sabotage. They eat too much, drink too much, take dope, ignore their families, engage in unpredictable behaviours, and often throw their money away in extravagant living and unwise investments.
They feel deep down inside that they don't deserve their success. As a result, they often drive it away.
Saturday, July 16, 2016
There is a law in psychology that if you form a picture in your mind of what you would like to be, and you keep and hold that picture there long enough, you will soon become exactly as you have been thinking — William James
If you were raised by parents who continually told you what a good person you were, who loved you, encouraged you, supported you, and believed in you, no matter what you did or didn't do, you would grow up with the belief that you were a good and valuable person. By the age of three, this belief would lock in and become a fundamental part of the way you view yourself in relation to your world.
Thereafter, no matter what happens to you, you would hold this belief. It would become your reality.
If you were born by parents who did not know how powerful their words and behaviours could be in shaping your personality, they could very easily have used destructive criticism, disapproval, and physical or emotional punishment to discipline or control you.
When a child is continually criticized at an early age, he soon concludes that there is something wrong with him. He doesn't understand why it is that he is being criticized or punished, but he assumes that his parents know the truth about him, and that he deserves it. He begins to feel that he is not valuable or lovable. He is not worth very much. He must therefore be worthless.
Almost all personality problems in adolescence and adulthood are rooted in what psychologists refer to as love withheld.
The child needs love like roses need rain. When children feel unloved, they feel unsafe and insecure. They think, "I'm not good enough." They begin to engage in compensatory behaviours to make up for their inner anxiety. This sense of love deprivation is manifested in misbehaviour, personality problems, bursts of anger, depression, hopelessness, lack of ambition, and problems with people and relationships.
The man who achieves things, is not the one who goes to pieces on his first encounter with others’ disapproval .
Shyam won the first prize in a debate. He was bubbling with joy. His joy further multiplied when his friends congratulated him on his brilliant performance. He rushed home to share the happy news with the members of his family.
But Shyam’s mood of buoyancy was suddenly killed next day.
A college friend, Manohar, told him that some boys were remarking that he did not deserve the prize and that it was an instance of favouritism. On hearing this, all cheerfulness vanished, and a wave of anger gripped him. He looked like a shrivelled plant in summer. The reason why Shyam felt so unhappy by the criticism of his companions is not far to seek. Most of us expect one and all to admire our performance almost to the extent of adultation. When this does not happen, it hurts us.
Shyam, however, does not realise that no one escapes critcism altogether. History provides numerous examples of great men whose achievements were laughed to scorn in the beginning. George Washington, the liberator of America, was denounced as a hypocrite and impostor. A newspaper cartoon depicted him on a guillotine, the big knife ready to cut off his head. Crowds jeered at him and hissed as he rode through the streets. Edward Jenner is another great man who was ridiculed. Yet he is the man to whom people of the world are now grateful for the boon of the smallpox vaccination. But when Jenner was engaged in the discovery of the vaccination, even doctors, not to speak of ordinary people, scoffed at him.
More to follow...
More to follow...
Friday, July 15, 2016
The law of Belief says: Whatever you believe, with conviction, becomes your reality. You always act in a manner consistent with your deepest and most intensely held beliefs, whether they are true or not. And all your beliefs are learned. At one time, you did not have them.
Your beliefs largely determine your reality. You don't not believe what you see; you rather see what you already believe. You can have life-enhancing beliefs that make you happy and optimistic, or you can have negative beliefs about yourself and your potential that act as roadblocks to the realization of everything that is truly possible for you.
The most harmful beliefs you can have are your self-limiting beliefs. These are beliefs about yourself and your potential that hold you back. Most of them are not true. Most of them are the result of information you have accepted without question, often from early childhood. Even if it is completely untrue, if you believe yourself to be limited in areas such as achieving wonderful health and happiness and earning a lot of money, that will become your truth.
As the author Richard Bach in his book Illusions wrote, "Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours."
Everyone is a born leader, you don't wait to be crowned till you prove your worth...
Each day is a fresh day—look at it with hope and enthusiasm. Yesterday is over. Why not remove the garbage from your mind?
Only gods are infallible. Human beings, however intelligent, are liable to err. So we should learn to take mistakes in our stride and should not allow them to overwhelm us.
Mistakes are essential to progress. G.B. Shaw once said, “Man learns to skate by staggering, making a fool of himself. Indeed, he progresses in all things by resolutely making a fool of himself.” From cave-life to modern civilised life is a story of trial and error. The people in the preceding ages, undaunted by the fear of mistakes, made inventions and discoveries that constitute the glory of modern civilisation.
- Each time Nimmi, Kamla’s 14-year old daughter, expresses her desire to prepare vegetables, her mother prevents her by saying, “You will spoil it.” Kamla’s does not realise that her daughter cannot become expert in cooking without spoiling vegetables or burning a loaf. Parents should show tolerance when their children make mistakes. They should not resort to frequent snubbing to prevent the child from making mistakes—Excessive scolding serves no useful purpose. It shatters the child’s confidence and makes him peevish.
Some persons do not take up a job on the plea that there are already superior persons in the profession. They conclude that the presence of the superior persons will spell their failure. They do not pause for a moment to think that the superior persons did not achieve perfection in their skill overnight. They, too, had to pass through a series of trials and errors before they could attain their present enviable positions.
If you have any plan to implement, do not be afraid of discussing it with your friends. If they point out any defects in your plan, you should not take it as jealousy on their part. Weigh their opinions objectively. It is quite possible that their advice may make your plan still better.
If you make a mistake, have the moral courage to acknowledge it and put it right. Mistakes do little harm if they are acknowledged and corrected without delay. Let mistakes remain unattended and they wil do untold harm to the task in hand and your reputation. Concealment of an error is no less undesirable. In case you camouflage your mistakes, you will have to resort to desperate lying to make your position invulnerable. When your lies are known to others which is only a matter of time, your dignity will be injured even more.
Nobody despises a person who has the moral courage to admit that he is wrong and is immediately prepared to rectify the error. What can you say to a person who candidly admits, “I beg your pardon. You are right, I misunderstood you. Please let me set the matter right.”
It is bad to shift responsibility on to others for your own failures. Among students this tendency is often very marked. When they fail in an examination, they put the blame either on the teacher for his inefficient teaching or the fate. They never admit that they failed for lack of preparation. Some bosses make their subordinates scapegoats when their plans prove a flop. But when these succeed they pat only themselves and deny any credit to the subordinates. When we want to take credit for the success of a thing, we ought to bear responsibility for its miscarriage, too. To disown responsibility for failures is cowardice.
Brooding over past mistakes cripples positive thinking and creates unnecessary tension in the mind. You will do well to clear out the garbage of past mistakes from your mind. Begin next day’s work with a fresh mind and vigour. You will surely find the way to success and happiness smooth.
Thursday, July 14, 2016
There is nothing on earth that you cannot have, Once you have mentally accepted the fact that you can have it — ROBERT COLLIER
You are a thoroughly good person. You deserve a wonderful life, full of success, happiness, joy, and excitement. You are entitled to have happy relationships, excellent health, meaningful work, and financial independence. These are your birthright. This is what your life is meant to include.
You are engineered for success and designed to have high levels of self esteem, self respect, and personal pride. You are extraordinary; there has never been anyone exactly like you in all the history of mankind on earth. You have absolutely amazing untapped talents and abilities that, when properly unleashed and applied, can bring you everything you could ever want in life.
You are living at the greatest time in all of human history. You are surrounded by abundant opportunities that you can take advantage of to realize your dreams. The only real limits on what you can be, do, or have are the limits you place on yourself by your own thinking. Your future is virtually unlimited.
At 6:00PM daily, extracts from the book CHANGE YOUR THINKING CHANGE YOUR LIFE by Brian Tracy will be published on this blog.
A wise man once said "The Happiness Of Your Life Depends Upon The Quality Of Your Thought".
Experts estimate that the mind thinks between 60,000 – 80,000 thoughts a day. That’s an average of 2500 – 3,300 thoughts per hour. That’s incredible.
Other experts estimate a smaller number, of 50,000 thoughts per day, which means about 2100 thoughts per hour. This too, is a great number of thoughts.
If you were able sell each thought, you would be rich in no time, so why not think POSITIVE?
Patience is a shield against future regrets!
A young man was very fond of a sports car, exhibited in a dealer’s showroom, and told his rich father about it. What followed can be interesting….
At his graduation, the young man expected his father to gift that car to him. On the morning of his graduation, his father called him and gave his son a gift box. When the son opened it, he found a holy book inside. Angrily he shouted, “With all your riches, you give me just a book!” and left the house and the book.
After several years, the young man became a rich businessman. He realised that he must get back to his father, who had grown old. Just then, he received a telegram informing him of his father’s death. When he returned to his father’s house, he came to know that his father had willed him all his property and possessions. As he was searching through important papers, he found the same holy book which his father had gifted him at his graduation. Beneath the book he found an envelope, taped and contained papers for a sports car, with the dealer’s name. On the papers, the date of graduation was written, along with words, ‘PAID IN FULL’ what a surprise!
Respect Elders' opinions and wisdom
Never jump to sudden conclusion
Think, Analyse and React patiently
Never create situations that may cause regret in future...
Noble Deeds double up as Friends and Fame in life!
A person was accidentally framed for a crime that he did not commit. He was issued a warrant.
He had three friends and he asked one of them to testify to his innocence as a witness. The friend said. “I cannot move out of this house. But can help you only from here.” He, therefore, had to approach others. The second friend said, “I can come up to the doorway of the court but will not enter the witness box.”
The third friend said. “I will speak for you, wherever you want me to come.” This is the story of our life. The first is PROPERTY which can hear witness only within the house. The second is RELATIVES who would come till the cemetery. The third friend is one’s own virtues and noble deeds which continue to shine even after death and stand witness for a long time to come.
The good thoughts and actions of life
will serve as good friends who will
bring peace and progress.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
In life, we make choices, some good, some bad. It is up to us!
We all have our life to live and mostly our choices define to an extent the kind of life we want for ourselves. And in the end our life is summed up as Good or Bad!
What choices have YOU made about your life
Do YOU believe in YOU?
Have YOU got limit?
Or maybe YOU think you cant be great because you 're lacking something, anything whatsoever...
Hey, listen to me...IT IS UP TO YOU!
Hi, Good morning.
At 10:00AM daily extracts from the book BE A WINNER written by O.P. Sharma will be published on this blog.
Publisher's Note:
Life is full of ups and downs. While we exhilarate in the ups, we are totally at a loss when it comes to dealing with the downs. This book has been specifically designed to help you turn the tide in your favour in the face of odds. Each day is a fresh day - look at it with hope and enthusiasm, yesterday is over. Whatever the situation, you can make the best of things by the right approach: *If you wish to rise in your career, begin liking your work. *If you wish to excel, have a healthy approach to criticism. *If you want to scare away failures, preserve your peace of mind in the face of heavy odds. *If you desire a happy married life, learn to respect your spouse. The book covers the entire gamut of social,personal and professional situations and guides you how to come out a winner with hundreds of real-life examples from: *Lincoln * Munshi Prem Chand *Gandhi *Churchill *Napoleon *Marie Curie and many more......presenting inspiring 'lives and times' for you to follow.
Monday, July 11, 2016
The Real Failures In Life
Those that invest in others more than themselves, they love others more than themselves, those who believed in others more than they believed in themselves. Those are the failures in life!
They are wrong, don't be one of those...
You are created in way different from others, DON'T YOU LOVE YOURSELF FOR THAT?
You are the greatest investment in life, DO YOU NOT KNOW?
No one will believe in you if you don't give them reasons to, YOUR REASON IS YOU!
In your life what have you accomplished?
If you haven't, YOU CAN
If you have, YOU CAN STILL
You just have to invest in YOU, you have to love YOU, and you have to believe it is YOU.
Good morning and have a great week.
Those that invest in others more than themselves, they love others more than themselves, those who believed in others more than they believed in themselves. Those are the failures in life!
They are wrong, don't be one of those...
You are created in way different from others, DON'T YOU LOVE YOURSELF FOR THAT?
You are the greatest investment in life, DO YOU NOT KNOW?
No one will believe in you if you don't give them reasons to, YOUR REASON IS YOU!
In your life what have you accomplished?
If you haven't, YOU CAN
If you have, YOU CAN STILL
You just have to invest in YOU, you have to love YOU, and you have to believe it is YOU.
Good morning and have a great week.
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Always Make Your Performance Greater Than Your Applause
Increased performance is essential for lifetime growth. If you become more skillful and useful, you will receive greater applause from an expanding audience. This can be intoxicating, and the temptation will be to start organizing your life around other people’s recognition and praise—to keep repeating what got you the applause in the first place—rather than moving on to something new, better, and different. When this happens, the danger is that applause will become more important to you than your improved performance. The greatest performers in all fields are those who always strive to get better. No matter how much acclaim they receive, they keep working to improve their performance. Continually work to surpass everything you’ve done so far, and your performance will always be greater than your applause.
The future is always created through action, through performance. We can have an idea or a vision of a bigger future, but the idea and vision become real only when we take actions that are directly focused on achieving specific goals.
Applause resulting from performance is just a by- product. Obviously, it can be a very useful and valuable by-product, but it should never be the main focus. For a person to keep growing, the central focus always has to be the performance itself—never other people’s response to it.
You have control over your performance. You never have control over other people’s responses, approval, or applause. The goal here is always to be getting better; to appreciate how far you’ve come, but also to keep striving to go further, always making your future bigger than your past. A bigger future demands greater performance on your part. A bigger future requires that your skill and mastery keep improving.
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Discovering Potentials
The No-Entitlement Attitude
In order to make your contribution bigger than your reward, you have to have what we call a No-Entitlement Attitude™. This means you believe that you have to make some kind of valuable contribution to others before you deserve any reward.
Where Do I Start?
Adopt a No-Entitlement Attitude. When you believe that you need to create value first in order to receive any reward, you will automatically be more focused on contribution. Most of us are susceptible to thinking that we deserve things once in awhile. It’s a conditioned response that has been built into our thinking because there are so many messages around us reinforcing the idea that we are entitled to things. Often, these messages come from people or organizations that want to manipulate us in some way or co-opt us into their agendas. A No-Entitlement Attitude keeps you free of these other agendas and focused on your contribution.
Here's something to meditate on...
Do you know Life is weird?, it is so annoying, Life is dangerous and we find it safe. Strange isn't it?, No it isn't.
Here's a short story...
A man had three children, a son and a daughter, the last I choose not to reveal yet.
One day, the man called the children and ask them a question— What is life?..
The son said, Life is a creature just like he is, the man applauds.
The daughter answered, Life is a place that receives everyone irrespective of our differences, the man applauds.
The last said, Life is me and I'm life, the man fainted..
strange isn't it? Who is strange, life or the man?
Life is never strange to us, we are.
Life never abandon us, we do.
Life never gave up on us, we gave up on it.
Life is simple, we are complicated.
We all want a good life, but we ain't good to Life. WHO IS THE STRANGER?
Friday, July 8, 2016
Always Make Your Contribution Bigger Than Your Reward
Increased contribution to others is essential for lifetime growth. As you become more successful, numerous rewards will come your way: greater income, praise, recognition, reputation, status, capabilities, resources, and opportunities. These are all desirable things, but they can be growth stoppers. They may tempt you to become fixated on just the rewards, rather than focus on making still greater contributions. The one way to guarantee that rewards will continually increase is to not think too much about them. Instead, continue making an even more significant contribution—by helping others to eliminate their dangers, capture their opportunities, and maximize their strengths. Greater rewards will automatically result from this, and your future will continue to be filled with increasingly rewarding ways to contribute. Always focus on creating new kinds of value for larger numbers of people, and you will ensure that your contribution is always greater than your reward.
Making a contribution for its own sake solidifies and expands your relationship with the outside world. It is through this relationship that your continual growth will be funded and supported. If you’re not making a contribution to others, it’s easy to get caught up in your own thoughts and go around in circles. By focusing on contributing and letting the rewards take care of themselves, you anchor yourself in the real world. Through the insight and feedback you get from others, you grow your understanding of how to create greater and greater value.
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