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Discovering Potentials

Thursday, September 8, 2016


The Power of Failure Motto. Let it sink deeply into your thinking. Allow it to produce lasting profound life change. Never again find yourself helpless in the face of short-term failures. Instead, continually move forward in positive and rewarding ways as you learn to use the Power of Failure.

The Power of Failure Motto

Failure is a natural part of everyday life. Failure, at its best, is a stepping-stone to success, a challenge in progress, and the lifeblood of a successful life. Failure offers us the gifts of learning, the means to become stronger and grow as persons, the possibility for change and innovation, and the chance to see whole new opportunities. Failure can provide us with the foundation for long-term success if we learn to redefine it, to use it to win through losing, and to cope and collaborate with it. Ultimately, both failure and success are in the eye of the beholder. We can live successfully by looking beyond ourselves and seeing all the opportunities that the world has to offer those who have the courage to take on new worthwhile challenges and steadily fail toward success. We can truly live successful lives when we dare to harness The Power of Failure.