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Discovering Potentials

Saturday, November 26, 2016


How often have you been living life, happy and content, and then suddenly life slaps you in the face with something unexpected? We all have problems, and the truth of the matter is that problems will never go away. They will just change form.
One time you may be struggling with health, the next with money, and still the next with relationships. That is both the curse and blessing of life.
However, you don’t have to suffer because everything isn’t perfect in your life.
Behind the Scenes of Problems
Nothing becomes a problem until you label it so. You’ve probably noticed that different people have different opinions of what problems are, and how much attention should be given to any one thing. This means that problems exist in our heads, and that we create them, define them, and fear them.
The Most Overlooked Secret
The secret to dealing with life’s problems is to realize that they are illusions of our imagination. Sure, they feel very real.
Let’s say you’re driving your car merrily down the highway, until someone cuts you off. You might fly off the handle, or you might not. It will depend on how you perceive the situation. It’s an excellent example of how some people create something to complain about where others are completely fine.
Life will always have “problems” and the way to deal with them is to let them be. You don’t have to try to analyze, fantasize, or figure out your problems. Let them figure themselves out. The more you try, the more you fuel the problem, and the more miserable you become.

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